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Welcome to Smelly Old Gamer

Some people collect their memoirs. I'm collecting some of my notes from role playing game campaigns I've run because it's a lot more fun and seems a bit less indulgent. The site, is my archive.

Smelly Old Gamer, demilich edition

Sometime back in the "aughts" I launched Smelly Old Gamer as my home page for anything gaming related. My primary purpose was to provide a convenient place for players in my campaigns to find various resources. Long story short, here we go again.

Oenklay was the main setting for the first part of a campaign I ran for fourth edition. This site contains the more useful parts of my collection of notes for that campaign and other ideas I've had since then. To jump straight to Oenklay, go here.


I'm including some fiction on the site. Some will be generic heroic/sword&sorcery/etc fantasy, some will be targeted at the world of Antire. Either way, I hope it's at least a little enjoyable or useful for backgrounds in your own games.


For things that don't fit elsewhere, I also have a blog on this site. You can get to those posts here